What Should I Do After A Collision?
AThe time after a car accident can be extremely confusing, especially if you’ve never been involved in one before. Collisions leave people rattled, and with a lot to deal with on top of that – from physical injuries to the anxiety and stress of the claims process.

After a car accident, take these steps:

    • Exchange information, if you can, with the other parties involved
    • Seek medical attention, even if you think you don’t need it
    • Contact a car accident attorney
What Are Some Common Causes Of 18-Wheeler & Semi Truck Accidents?
ATruck and semi-truck accidents can have deadly consequences. Here’s three reasons why we’ve seen a rise in these type of accidents.

      • Driver fatigue – this could indicate an Hours of service violation, where a driver is operating a truck without taking the necessary resting breaks.
      • Improperly loaded trucks – when trucks are overloaded or not loaded properly, it increases the likelihood of jackknife accidents, and can increase the severity of accidents.
      • Poor maintenance – large commercial vehicles deteriorate more rapidly than passenger vehicles do. If they are not maintained, accidents can occur, such as brake or tire failure.

Even if you are unsure whether you have a claim, we encourage you to contact The Patey Firm so that we can review your case. We’ll give you an initial evaluation for free so you can learn your rights and take the first step forward after a collision.