Car Accident Attorney in Jackson TN

In Jackson, TN and the entire State of Tennessee, if a person is found negligent in an car accident, that person is held responsible for which they and/or their insurance company must pay money damages to you.

We represent victims who have been injured in every type of vehicular accident including cars, trucks, motorcycles as well as victims of 18-wheeler or commercial driver’s negligence. It is also an important area of our practice to represent those who’s loved ones have died as a result of the car accident (Wrongful Death).

Compensation for Car Accidents in Jackson, TN

Medical Bills

Your damages will include medical bills.

Lost Wage Compensation

If you missed work because of the injuries sustained from a car accident, you are entitled to recovery of your lost wages.

Pain and Suffering

Most importantly, you are entitled to money damages for your pain and suffering caused by your injuries.

Permanent Impairment (Permanent Injuries)

If you have sustained a permanent injury you are entitled to recover significant additional money damages as well.

Did You Know?

Most of the cases we take involve life changing injuries, or what is often referred to as “catastrophic injuries” as the result of horrible circumstances such as loss of limbs, paralysis and death. These tragic accidents deserve the care and attention of an experienced and full time injury lawyer. Mr. Patey has 30 years of experience handling these most serious injury cases.

Call today for a free consultation.